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What Are Opportunities?

Opportunities help you to identify and prioritize the key areas for improvement in your journeys. This guide introduces opportunities and helps you get started.

What are opportunities?

Opportunities help you to identify, summarise, and prioritize the key areas for improvement in your journeys. Every opportunity you create is saved in an opportunity repository, and can be linked to other journeys by you or your colleagues.

Why opportunities are the missing link in your workflow

“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it”.

Albert Einstein

Clearly defining problems is a key step in any problem-solving challenge. Opportunities help you do this, and more:

  • Summarize and present key problem areas: Opportunities force you to reduce a big number of insights in a journey to several key problem areas. This helps you to keep things manageable while also helping you to communicate your most important opportunities to others. The better you define a problem, the more likely you are to find a good solution.

  • Prioritize what to focus on next: TheyDo enables you to prioritize opportunities across the organization, by scoring them on business value, customer value, and effort. Use the matrix view to prioritize the opportunities that are most crucial to your customers or business. This helps ensure that you pick up the right problems to solve.

  • Inspire great solutions: Every opportunity you create is saved in the opportunity repository, and can be used by others in their journeys as well. Therefore an opportunity you create might help others define their core problems, and the other way around.

Opportunities in the Journey Management workflow


Opportunities form the linking pin between journeys and business priorities. In the innovation process, Opportunities are used to prioritize the right problems before going into defining the solutions.

This is an important step to take; if you jump to solutions straight away without taking a moment to consider the core problems, you risk developing solutions that solve the wrong problems. That means you will miss better opportunities and waste resources in the process.

If you jump to solutions straight away without taking a moment to consider the core problems, you risk developing solutions that solve the wrong problems.

Jochem, CEO TheyDo, explains the importance of opportunities.

Ready to start spotting your own opportunities?

Our guide on creating opportunities will have you identifying your own opportunities in no time!

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