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What is the Metrics Library?

Centralize customer-centric metrics with the Metrics Library.

The Metrics Library is a place for you to see all the Metrics you're tracking within Journeys. It's customizable and designed to fit around each organization’s progress indicators.

Within the Metrics Library you can see:

  • Metric values, types, sources, and owners

  • When your Metrics were created and last updated

  • % Change over time (increase or decrease within a chosen time period)

  • How many Journey Steps and Personas your Metrics are connected to

How to use the Metrics Library

  1. Click into “Metrics” from the left-side panel in your TheyDo workspace (it’s located between Personas and Insights).

  2. To manually add a Metric, click “+ Metric” and follow the Guide here.

  3. [Coming soon] To import Metrics from a data platform, click the “Import Metrics” button in the top right hand corner of the Metrics dashboard.

  4. To adjust your Metrics view, choose from the icons above the Metrics table - including the calendar, time intervals, filters and search.
