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Taxonomy overview


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What is a Taxonomy?

Your Taxonomy is a labeling system that you can use to sort and group everything you create in TheyDo. Describe and categorize every element by ‘tagging’ it with a label or a keyword. With these tags, you can easily filter building blocks and create various perspectives, as well as search for elements and compare them against each other. 

Workspace and organization admins can set up a tagging system early on and explain it to all editors and viewers so that everyone categorizes things consistently (or understands how they’ve been organized). This helps prevent double work by making it easier for teams to find what's already there. It also helps teams to maintain an overview and concentrate on what matters most.

The different tag categories in TheyDo include: Statuses, Types, Groups and Global Tags.

Manage and create tags

Admins can manage all customizable tags in TheyDo from your settings by clicking on the cogwheel in the bottom left corner and selecting ‘Taxonomy’ from the side bar menu. Upon opening a tag category, hover over any tag to edit, remove, or merge it with another.

Additionally, tags can be created directly within building blocks. Within a Journey, Insight, Opportunity, or Solution, click on the + icon to add a new tag category.

When you create tags, try to use a different color and emoticon for every category. That way, you can include many tag categories while still keeping them easy to search and distinguish.

  • Statuses: statuses indicate the current state or progress of a building block in a workflow or process

  • Types: types help you to define the characteristics of different Journeys, Insights, Opportunities, and Solutions so that you can distinguish between them. You may only assign one type at a time. 

  • Groups: groups help you to structure and group building blocks based on commonalities or relationships. This is where you can show the team, division, or business unit that a particular building block belongs to, such as: Marketing, Sales, DevOps, Customer Success, Operations. You can tag multiple groups at the same time.

  • Global Tags: Global Tags can be used across all elements in TheyDo (including personas and journey steps) to cover anything not yet included by owners, statuses, groups, or types. You can create as many tag categories as you need and can assign multiple tags to any building block.

Example tags

These tables show examples of the different types of Statuses, Types, Groups, and Global Tags that we recommend starting with for each of your building blocks. Make adjustments based on your organization’s needs. 

