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Sync NPS, CES, and CSAT data from Qualtrics

If you're a Qualtrics user, you can sync your NPS, CES, and CSAT data directly to TheyDo.

  1. From within your Journey or Metrics Library, click "+ Metric"

  2. Select your source: Qualtrics

  3. Select the Qualtrics survey you'd like to track

  4. From your available survey questions, select the one you'd like to track

  5. Under the description section, you'll be prompted to map your survey responses to the sentiment they represent. This helps TheyDo understand the value of each response and calculate accordingly. Choose the equivalent for each response.

  6. Click "Sync data" and after a short wait your Metric will be synced and automatically populate with your Qualtrics data

Learn more about Metrics