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Organizing personas

Learn how to organize personas into categories, and how to create market segmentations.

All personas end up in the persona repository. Go here to get an overview of personas, create new ones, or organize them.

Organizing personas 2
To organize personas, you can create persona categories as well as market segmentations.

Persona categories

Organizing personas 3

Persona categories come in handy when you have multiple personas that can be clustered within the same category. Categories are often based on stakeholder type or role.

As an example: A train company might want to create 3 separate persona categories: Customers, train personnel, and office personnel. Within those categories, you can then create multiple personas. So within the ‘customer’ category, you might have the ‘business traveler’, ‘tourist’, or ‘student’, and within the ‘train personnel’ category the ‘driver’ and the ‘ticket inspector’.

Organizing personas 4

To create a persona category:

  1. Open a persona

  2. Click on ‘add categories’

  3. Add a new persona category that the persona belongs to. This category will show up as a new persona category tab. It will also create a new tag with which you can tag other personas, but also solutions, opportunities, etc.

Only admins can create new persona categories

Creating a market segmentation

Organizing personas 5

You can also make a segmentation of your personas by placing them on a 2×2 grid. In this grid, every axis defines the most important distinction between your personas. You can create as many grids as you want. For every grid you can add specific information:

●    Title – Give your segmentation a title

●    Description – Provide more detail about the segmentation

●    Custom axes – Use freely configurable axes on which to place the personas