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Creating insights

Make sure you read our intro to insights first. When you’re ready, let’s explore how you can use insights in TheyDo yourself.

Adding insights


When you add an Insight, you can choose from any previously created insight, or create a new one. 

Insights are ‘linked’ entities. That means that any Insight is stored in the central Insight repository. Once created, an Insight can be reused (linked) within any number of Journeys, Opportunities, or Solutions. When you edit an Insight, the changes will automatically update across all the Journeys, Opportunities, or Solutions the Insight has been linked to.

Where to add Insights

You can add insights (either new or existing) at several locations in TheyDo:

Adding Insights to Journeys.


  1. Add an ‘Insight Lane’ to your Journey.

  2. Click on ‘Add Insight’ in the Insight lane under the step you want to add an Insight.

Adding Insights to other Insights


  1. Open the Insight

  2. Click on the ‘insights’ tab

  3. Click on ‘Add insight’.

Use this to add facts (like quotes and observations) to an interpreted Insight (such as a need, painpoint, or job). This will help you explain what an interpreted Insight is based on.

Adding insights to Opportunities


  1. Open the Opportunity

  2. Click on ‘Add Insight’.

Use this to add supporting Insights (e.g. Needs or Pains, or Jobs) related to an Opportunity. This will help you explain what Needs, Pains, or Jobs the Opportunity or Solution is meant to address, and helps to estimate how much customer or business value they hold.

Editing Insights

To edit an Insight, click on any Insight to open it in the side panel. There you can edit its properties.


For any Insight you can specify the following properties:

  • Title: The title of your Insight.

  • Description: A further description of the Insight.

  • Type: Choose the type of insight. The types available can be edited in your workspace’s Taxonomy.

  • Status: The status of the Insight. The statuses available can be edited in your workspace’s Taxonomy.

  • Weight: How much the Insight’s experience value will impact the experience curve. This acts as a multiplication factor for the experience impact score below.

  • Experience impact: How positive or negative the insight impacts the experience curve.

  • Personas: Choose the personas for which the insight is relevant. This also determines on which persona’s experience curves the Insight will impact.

  • Source: The source of the insight (coming soon)

  • Owner: Who owns the Insight.

  • Group: Choose the group for which the metric is relevant. The groups available can be edited in your workspace’s Taxonomy.

  • Tags: Choose the tags for which the insight is relevant, e.g. what channel, country, product, OKR, etc. The tags available can be edited in your workspace’s Taxonomy.

  • Version information: Shows when the Insight was created and by whom.

  • Detail tabs: Switch between the tabs below.

    • Details: Add more information about the Insight.

    • Linked Insights: Link Insights to an Insight, e.g. to add supporting quotes, observations, or data points to a need, painpoint, or job.

    • Linked Journeys: See a list of the Journeys the Insight has been linked to.

    • Linked Opportunities: See a list of the Opportunities the Insight has been linked to.

Tip: Make the title of your Insight descriptive and specify as many tags as you can. This will help you and your colleagues to understand what the Insight represents while also helping them to find it.

Insight cards


When you add an insight to a Journey, an insight card is also created that summarizes the Insight. This shows several things: 

  • Title

  • Description

  • Type

  • Experience Impact

  • Status

  • Linked Personas

  • Starred linked Insights

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