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Creating a Journey Management Playbook

Learn how to set up a Journey Management playbook.

A Journey Management playbook serves as a ‘manual’ for your teams on how to do Journey Management specifically within your organization. To help you set up such a playbook, we’ve created an outline that covers all six dimensions of Journey Management Maturity. Make sure you’ve read that before diving into this guide. We will keep updating this guide as we collect more best practices.

Note: If you need help with writing and implementing a Journey Management playbook specifically for your organization, we can recommend any of our agency partners to help you out. 

Benefits of setting up a Playbook

A playbook can help you to:

  • Prevent confusion: A playbook helps to explain how Journey Management works within the context of your organization. We often get questions from users that go beyond the scope of TheyDo itself, about topics such as the way of working, team structures, roles, etc. Setting up a playbook can help answer those questions.

  • Standardize your way of working: A playbook ensures everyone is aware of the process you use regarding Journey Management.

  • Scale up: Especially when you want to scale up Journey Management across multiple teams, a playbook provides a blueprint for new teams that they can use when they adopt the new way of working.


What is Journey Management, and why is it important?

  • What is Journey Management? 

  • How is it relevant for your organization?

  • How does implementation of Journey Management align with wider company goals?


Governance team

  • Who’s on the governance team? 

  • What does the governance team do?

Implementation strategy

What does the roadmap for integrating Journey Management look like?

  • What is the timeline? 

  • What domains or teams are involved when?

  • What are stage gates for expansion?


Innovation process overview 

How do you go from insights to implementing new products or services, and all the steps in between?

  • What methodology do you use: The triple diamond, or a variation?

  • Who is responsible for what parts? Do teams go integrally from start to finish, or are there handovers?

  • What are the key decision moments or ‘stage gates’?

  • How long does every step take?

  • How does it align with existing processes, such as agile? 

Ceremonies / Rituals

What ceremonies take place around managing journeys, and when? Per ceremony name:

  • What it is

  • When does it take place in the triple diamond workflow

  • How often does it take place

  • Who to involve


Growing skills

Where can people go to learn more? Think of:

  • TheyDo training

  • Super users

  • Reference materials (Learning center)


Team structure and organization

How are teams organized around journeys and a journey framework?

  • What teams cover what domains?

  • What roles do teams consist of? 

  • What different types of teams are there?


What roles are important for Journey Management, and what responsibilities do they have? Think of:

  • Scrum master

  • Service designer

  • Business analist

  • Customer insight expert

  • UI/UX

  • Developers


Metrics framework

What type of metrics are tracked, and how does it link to the Journey Framework?


How is journey performance measured and used in evaluation of projects?


Tool ecosystem

What tools are used throughout your triple diamond (or variation thereof), and how does TheyDo integrate with them?

  • How is everything connected to each other, and when are what tools used across the triple diamond?


Specifically within TheyDo, there are a few elements that are very specific per organization. These include:

  • Taxonomy: What categories and options have been defined, and what do they mean? This is especially relevant for:

    • Journey types

    • Insight types

  • Workspaces: What workspaces have been set up, and what are they used for?

  • Framework: What is the framework?

  • Scoring: What are the criteria used throughout the organization to prioritize opportunities and solutions? For more on this, have a look at our

  • Ownership: What roles own what elements in TheyDo. Most importantly:

    • Who owns Solutions?

    • Who owns Opportunities?

    • Who owns Journeys?



What do all the terms mean? Some explanation can be helpful for people not familiar with Journey Management theory.

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