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Automatic Insight to Opportunity Linking


Leverage auto-linking between Insights and Opportunities

The more Insights you link to an Opportunity, the better you’ll be able to estimate the impact they might have on the customer experience.

Linking Insights to Opportunities also helps you trace a clear logic path for why certain Opportunities were prioritized, bringing the customer voice directly into the conversation.

To make linking easy, from within an Opportunity in the Insights tab detail, you'll see all connected Insights. These include Insights you linked manually and Related Insights, those that share a Journey step with your Opportunity.

You can hide any Insights that may not be relevant or explicitly link Insights you want to highlight on top.

Admins can choose to turn off this feature from Settings > Workflow if they'd prefer their team to stick with manual linking. However, we find that auto-linking helps accelerate workflows and makes sure that all Opportunities are equipped with proper calculations for prioritization. Thus, we recommend leaving this feature on.

Learn more about Opportunities