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Adding Insights to other Insights

  1. Open the Insight.

  2. Click on the ‘insights’ tab.

  3. Click on ‘Add sub insight’.

Use this to add facts (like quotes and observations) to an interpreted Insight (such as a need, painpoint, or job). This will help you explain what an interpreted Insight is based on.

You can also ‘nest’ one or multiple Insights within another Insight. Use this to add ‘factual’ insights (like quotes and observations) to an interpreted Insight (such as a need, pain point, or job). That way, you’ll be able to trace back the exact quotes and observations that your pain points, needs, etc. are based on. It also helps to empathize with customers; reading a few quotes related to a pain point will help you to put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

Tip: This also means you won’t have to add separate ‘quote’ or ‘observation’ lanes to your journeys anymore; those can simply be integrated in your pains, gains, needs, etc.