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Adding data manually to a metric

To add manual data to a metric:

  1. Create a new metric by clicking on the ‘Add Metric’ button next to the Journey title, or by clicking on ‘+metric’ in the metric lane.

  2. Click on ‘Create new metric’

  3. In the metric sidepanel, choose ‘manual’ as the source.

  4. Select a metric type. For manual Metrics we support NPS, CSAT, CES, and ‘other’ data points. You can change the type until you add your first data point.

  5. You can then add the data points at the bottom of the side panel. The way you add data will be different depending on the type of metric you’ve selected in step 4.

  6. For ‘other’ metric types, you can also specify what unit you want to display on the Metric and its card. Furthermore you can select the Formula you want to use. This determines how we calculate the metric that is shown for the chosen time range. You can choose to either see the average of the Metric in that time range, or the total (sum).

Note: You can add one data point per day. The resolution is set to daily; however, if you track the metric on a weekly basis, you can choose to add the metric for example on each Monday of the week. When you then set the metric to ‘weekly’ it will take that one data point and plot it for the week. The same goes for ‘monthly’.

Adding data manually to a metric

Manual data input will look different depending on the type of data you select.