
CX Metrics: user feedback


    Find out what TheyDo users think about the new feature release on CX metrics and how it's helping them in their work.

    Who in your team will be using the metrics feature the most?

    Jessica Buxton of the Product Management Institute (PMI) explains how a large organization could benefit from working with qualitative and quantitative data in a single customer journey view.

    Will you use integrated metrics in your journey to improve CX?

    Margarita Baresh, Head of Research Ops at ADEO, comments on whether she believes the new CX metrics integration will prove useful for her role in gathering and analyzing insights from their Voice of the Customer program.

    What’s your first impression on the new qualitative data integration with Qualtrics?

    Jeremie Boudet, the Lead UX at Adeo Services Supply Chain (Digital Platform) gives his two cents on the new data integration with customer journeys.

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